Max's counts keep going up. His platelets were at 47 yesterday, which is a huge increase. We are thrilled. We had suspected they had gone up because he doesn't seem to be bruising much, but didn't expect such a large jump. His hematocrit was up slightly, too, so he didn't need to go in for red cells. It is still low, but Max still has some color in his cheeks and an fair amount of energy, so it isn't too bad. His ANC was down a bit, but still over 500. We are so happy.
WBC: 3.1
HCT: 25
HGB: 8.9
PLT: 47
ANC: 589
Friday, December 29, 2006
No Need for Transfusions, Again. CBC: 12/28/06
Posted by
9:44 AM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas Everyone!
In some ways, I can't believe we have made it this far. We had a nice and normal Christmas. Max got up earlier than we would have liked, but managed to wait fairly patiently for everyone to arrive before opening presents. He really enjoyed dragging Uncle Greg everywhere to play. He wore all of us out (well, his sister helped). It was a really nice day.
Posted by
11:16 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Doctor is Very Happy - CBC: 12/21/06
Max had another CBC this morning and the results continue to be promising. Dr. Ebb was very happy. His platelets were up over 30,000, his ANC is still up over 500, and while his hematocrit was down, it is still high enough to avoid having to be transfused any time soon. He is scheduled for another blood test next Thursday. It seems so strange but he is back to getting weekly blood tests. May it stay that way.
WBC: 3.2
HCT: 24
HGB: 8.7
PLT: 31
ANC: 800
Posted by
3:51 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
How Strange to Have Nothing to Report
It has been just under a week since Max's last blood test. This seems so strange to me. I am used to having a good idea of where his platelets are, and I honestly have no clue right now. He looks good. There is some bruising and a bit of petikia (I really need to learn to spell that one of these days), but nothing too bad. He has color in his cheeks, so his red count can't have dropped horribly over the last handful of days. It has been three months since he has gone this long between tests and it just feels strange.
Max is really looking forward to Santa's arrival and finally getting to open the presents that have been taunting him from the tree. We are going to see his cousins Anna and Sophie for the first time in months and he is thrilled. We are trying hard to keep things as normal as possible. This whole thing has kept me out of the mall for the most part this season, and I have decided that is not necessarily a bad thing.
The nurse comes tomorrow. Hopefully the news will be good. We are all hoping that our Christmas wishes of a Max on the road to recovery will be granted.
I wish I could take a picture of him right now. He is sound asleep on my lap. He may be getting bigger but he is still my little peanut.
Posted by
3:17 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006
Everything was up!
Okay, the white count was down, but the ANC was way up and that is what really matters.
WBC 3.5
HCT: 27
HGB: 9.2
PLT: 25
ANC: 1050
I am speechless.
Posted by
1:53 PM
I forgot to post this:
WBC: 3.8
HCT: 25.6
HGB: 9.7
PLT: 24
ANC: 260
Posted by
1:45 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
No Need for Transfusion!
We drove to Boston today and they did the CBC and much to everyone's surprise, Max's platelet count was UP! It was at 24. They did not transfuse, and would have sent us right home except that he needed to get an IV of a drug to prevent a certain type of pneumonia that the immunosuppressive drugs put him at risk for. This is the best news we have gotten in ages. He has not had his platelet count go up since they started tracking it in July. They are going to recheck him on Friday.
His hematocrit continues to drop, so he will likely need more red cells next week, and his ANC was down under 300 again, but they expect to see that bounce around a lot.
Posted by
4:13 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Elton John Lives!
I just had to share this. So many wonderful people have done things for us. I have been overwhelmed by it. We have had friends make enough meals for us so that I should be able to feed the family every post hospital visit this year, lots of offers to take care of our little, exhausting but fun daughter, Max has gotten toys and arts and craft supplies to help keep us busy. Friends drove down from Maine to Boston to donate platelets to ensure that there will be some for him when we go in tomorrow. People have come to the house to play with Max and help me keep my sanity. It has been amazing.
Today, we received a package from someone I have never met that contained a kid's electronic keyboard. Max was thrilled. He is, at this moment, playing "good night music" for Josh. I have a feeling he will make me carry it to the hospital tomorrow. He looks so happy playing it that I had to post a picture.
Posted by
8:55 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
CBC:12/11/06, Some Good Signs?
I hate to even say it. I am afraid to get my hopes up and then get crushed again. But, his CBC results were better than expected yet again. 10 days after his last transfusion and he still had 20,000 platelets. This was definitely better than expected. The biggest surprise today, though, was his ANC. It was 700. After a couple of weeks at <100, I was happy with last Thursday's 360. 700 was a number I couldn't have even hoped for. Hopefully it will stay up, though I am sure we will still be seeing it bounce around. But, for the first time since July, his body is actually making neutrophils. We are going either tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on when I can get someone to watch Lauren.
WBC: 3.4
HCT: 28
HGB: 9.8
Platelets: 20
ANC: 700
We had a nice weekend. Grandma "Mom" and Grampa Rich came down for a couple of days, we had a photographer come to the house to take family pictures, and Max got to help chop down and then decorate a Christmas tree. He is pretty excited about Christmas and has been walking around clutching his stocking talking about when the "Real Santa" will come and put presents in his "Sock." Now if we can just get a little snow.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
No Transfusion This Week! (CBC:12/06/06)
Max's platelets were high enough that the doctor didn't feel the need for him to come in for transfusion tomorrow. He is scheduled for a nurses visit on Monday. The other good news is that his white count was up slightly, and more importantly, his ANC was up to 360. I never thought I would be so happy about an ANC of 360.
HCT: 32
HGB: 11.4
Platelets: 42
ANC: 360
Posted by
6:14 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Worn Out, In a Good Way.
It seems so strange to have nothing to report, but we haven't even had the visiting nurse here since last week. Max has been doing well. He is going stir crazy, though. He hasn't played with other kids in ages. Today I was able to have a 12 YO neighbor visit this afternoon. She played fort with him (there is nothing he likes more than to build forts out of the couch cushions in the playroom). After she left, he was down there by himself. I was making dinner. I got worried that he was being awfully quiet, so I went down to check on him, and this is what I found. :) Sound a sleep and so peaceful.
Nurse comes tomorrow. We are hoping for a fairly high platelet count so he can get through the weekend without a transfusion. Oh, and an ANC over, say, 100 would be nice, too. I am trying not to ask for too much.
Okay, my brother insists that I let everyone know that Uncle Greg taught him fort.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
I never thought I would be excited about 19,000 platelets
Max's platelet count was 19 today. This was much higher than expected. He was only down 10 from Wed and 27 from Monday. His platelets are dropping at a much slower rate than they expected. This is very good news. They did transfuse today seeing as it was Friday. However, next week the visiting nurse is coming on Thursday for a CBC and Dr. Ebb thinks there is a possibility he may not need a transfusion at all next week. We will be keeping our fingers crossed.
The cancer center has art therapy on Friday mornings. Max had a blast. There were a lot of things going on there today and he enjoyed all of them. It was also the shortest visit we have had, which was nice. We were on our way home before 1, and that was with me losing the parking ticket. Max was tired and grumpy when we left, though. He insisted that I wear him on my front (no easy feat) and snuggled in and fell asleep as I went down to the parking lot. I am glad he was comfortable at least. :)
WBC: 2.8
HCT: 32.3
HGB: 12.1
PLT: 19
ANC: 56
Posted by
9:55 PM