Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Feeling Much Better

Max is feeling much better. Yesterday, he seemed to be on the mend a bit because he was less clingy and more whiney and demanding. However, the fever was still around. However, it went down a bit after giving him a bath last night, and when we went in to check on him around our bedtime, he felt cool to the touch. He woke a couple of times over night, but woke up without a fever and it stayed away all day, even in the afternoon. He was more prone to crying and tantrums than normal, but other than that, he seemed like normal Max. What a relief.

His doctor was very pleased to hear that his fever was gone. He doesn't see the need for any follow up unless something changes. As long as he continues to feel well, we won't need to do anything until his regular appointment next Friday.

Thanks to all the people who helped us get through this.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So glad he's on the upswing... hope he's having a good day today!!