Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It feels like it has been raining for a month, but I guess it has only been for a couple of weeks. I am pretty bored with it, though, but Max has been taking it in stride. He doesn't seem bothered by the weather and is perfectly happy playing soccer outside even if it is 35 and raining with high winds. I wish I were as hardy. We have been trying to keep busy inside, too. Today, we made lemonade and played with homemade playdough. I made several colors yesterday, though today it is all one large, redish-orange mass. It still makes a great road for the construction crew to work on, though. Last week, Miss Ellen came by with spin art, which Max loved. He made several masterpieces, which will find their ways to different grandparents refridgerators soon.

Max seems to be doing very well. We are keeping our fingers crossed that tomorrow's test results will be good.

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