Wednesday, August 29, 2007

CBC - 08/29/2007

This can be so draining at times. We knew that there was a chance that Max's counts would be down because he had been sick. Plus, he has had a lot of petikia, so I knew his platelets have been fluxuating. But, it is still hard seeing the numbers, and his white count was much lower than I expected, though his doctor didn't seem surprised at all, and was actually happy to see how good he looked. His red cells keep doign well, though. They are still in the normal range. He really does look great, with lovely red cheeks and lips. Because his white count was so low (and his ANC), they are going to retest next Thursday. Hopefully there will be a recovery by then. If not, they will think about doing a bone marrow biopsy, but hopefully it will not come to that.

I have always expected Max to wait until Oct to start school, but his doctor had been talking about letting him start in September. However, because of the drop, he wants to wait and see, so it will not be until October at the earliest.

The good news is that his doctor could see no reason to curtail his activities (except for preschool), so despite the ANC, we can still do things.

I have included a goofy picture of Max from the 4H Fair because this is kind of a downer post and so I thought a lighthearted picture was in order. He wanted to have his face painted like a green goldfish with a black eye. Don't ask us. :)

WBC: 2.8

HCT: 34.1

HGB: 12.2

PLT: 86

ANC: 510


Bee said...

Hoping those numbers go up by the time they retest. Keep your chin up. I know the waiting is so hard and the worry so draining (((hugs)))

You are all in my thoughts and prayers

Love to you all
Bee xxx

WestEdge said...

Sorry to hear it isn't a smoother road out of this medical territory. But I'm sure you'll make it to the land of wellness sooner or later. So keep up your spirits up!