Thursday, October 26, 2006

Looking Good, Fingers Crossed

Max had an uneventful day today. He got a decent bounce from the platelet transfusion and his platelets were up to 51. He was in pretty good humor, though a bit bouncy and small things upset him today. However, he had a nice day. His grandparents visited, as did his great aunt and uncle. There was a halloween event at the hospital, too, and he really enjoyed that. So, it was a fun day for him. He is starting to sound ready to come home, though. And, if things go well, he will get his wish. As long as he does not spike a fever, he will be coming home tomorrow. We are trying not to get our hopes up too much, but are really hoping he will be good tomorrow. In preparation, they transfused red cells even though his count was still over the level that they usually transfuse at (about 20). The figure he would have needed to be transfused before the end of the weekend and they wanted him to have a good weekend. He may get another platelet transfusion tomorrow as well. The ATG eats up the platelets. They also gave him a dose of an drug that prevents a nasty pneumonia that is common in patients with suppressed immune systems. They were arranging for a home health care nurse to come to the house on Monday to take a blood sample to run a CBC. Because of the portocath, he needs a nurse trained in accessing one to take blood samples going forward. Hopefully the insurance company will approve it.

That is about it for tonight.


Melissa said...

Hoping you are on your way home today! Awesome that the hives went away :)
We love you guys...
Melissa, Paul & Audrey

Bee said...

Yay! So thrilled to hear how well Max is doing! I hope he gets to come his wish home this weekend.
(((hugs))) and love to all of you xxx