Monday, October 30, 2006

Hanging at Home

Sorry for the delay in posting. I think I have been running on adrenaline and seem to have crashed a bit over the last couple of days. Usually I post after the kids are in bed, but I have just been going to bed instead.

The last couple of days have been going fairly well. Max has been moody, though today has been much, much better. He is also not sleeping very well, waking up a couple of time each night calling for us. We have spent a lot of time sleeping with him. His first morning home, he fell and hit his cheek, so he has a huge bruise, and he has his sister's cold, but he seems to be doing pretty well, and we have done a lot of running around today. He even got to visit his Granparents Mazgelis yesterday.

We met the visiting nurse on Saturday and she came by today to do a blood draw. Max likes her and the visits went very well. It is a huge weight off my shoulders that she is coming here rather than us having to go to the hospital for all blood draws. I am waiting anxiously for the results as it will determine whether or not we go to MGH tomorrow for platelets. He looks pretty good, though. Not too bruisey.

Max broke out in hives again yesterday after having a piece of bread that had eggs in it (I didn't know), so it really does look like the egg allergy is back in force.

I will update when I get the CBC results.

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