Friday, July 24, 2009

CBC - 07/24/2009

Dr. Ebb called us on Tuesday night to see if it was okay to change Max's appointment, so we went today. Max and James and I headed in this morning, took the T over to the North End for a quick lunch, and then headed to the hospital. It was an uneventful appointment. Dr. Ebb was thrilled with how well Max looked and sounded and said that if his counts were good, we could start going in every 6 months. Well, his counts were great, so we don't have to go back until January. That hardly seems possible. Max is thrilled.

I had to drag him out, though. Max loves playing there, and build stuff with a volunteer. It was a nice visit.

The most noteworthy thing that happened was his height and weight. He grew 6 cm since his last appointment and is now just shy of 46 inches, and gained almost 4 pounds. I was pretty sure he was going to show a weight gain. He has been eating everything in sight. People kept commenting on how big he had gotten and one of the nurses said his face had changed so he didn't look like a little boy anymore. It is very true.

There was a woman in there with her son, who looked to be around Max's age. They boy looked sad and scared. I remember that feeling. I just wanted to hug her. We are so very, very lucky.

WBC: 8.0
HCT: 35.9
HGB: 12.6
PLT: 186
ANC: 4540

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He's 6!

Max turned 6 over the weekend. He had his first real "friends" party, and the kids all tie dyed shirts. It was a bit hectic, but a lot of fun, and at least our kids are thrilled with their shirts (and we did a dress for Lauren).

I can't believe that he is 6. Where has the time gone. He seems to be doing so well, though we have an appointment tomorrow and we will know for sure after that. Three years from yesterday, we found out he was sick, so this is always a bit of a difficult time for me, but I am trying hard to just be so thankful that the last three years have gone so amazingly well. I know how lucky we are. I don't always manage to do it, but I try hard to be grateful for every day that we have. We have three happy, healthy children. Who could ask for more.

I will post CBC counts tomorrow.