Tuesday, January 20, 2009

CBC-01/20/2009 and Other Random Stuff

Wow, my last post was mid November. No wonder people are complaining. Sorry, we had a hard December, plus I am very pregnant at this point and just plain tired. Things have been pretty uneventful since my last post. Max has been doing really well, despite a 5 day stomach bug that started Christmas Eve. He managed to enjoy Christmas day despite feeling under the weather, though. His favorite gift - Spiderman Bandaids, though his R2D2 figure and a Lego set were close second. Max continues to love school and is learning tons. The bad news is that his teachers continue to express concern about his lack of focus and attention when things do not interest him. I have a bad feeling this may just be something that we deal with in school. He is obviously bright and creative, but if he isnt' interested in something (like coloring within the lines), he just doesn't do it. I am not sure if this is a result of us coddling him when he was ill or just part of his personality. It seems to worry me more than anyone else, though. But, that is how it works with mothers anyway, right? He and Lauren have been enjoying the snow storms we have been having, and helping their dad clear the drive with their new shovels. He got to go tubing with Dad at the end of the Christmas vacation, and gave it a big thumbs up. He is also very into Harry Potter, after spending many days at my teaching job during the week that school was closed here after the ice storm (they have a Harry Potter game on PS2 there and he has gotten pretty good at playing it). We are currently reading HP1 at night. It is the first time he has had any interest in a chapter book. When we are not reading HP1 to him, he is reading to us, as his reading skills are really taking off.

Okay, that is the wrap up. Now, today. We were supposed to go to MGH last Monday, but somehow I never managed to transfer the appointment from last years calendar to this years, and I just plain forgot about it until Wed. This is probably in a way a good thing, though, as it indicates that I am finally reaching a point where I am not totally stressed out about his counts. I rescheduled for today, and after forcing the kids to listen to inaugural broadcasts for the entire ride (much to Max's great dismay. Lauren just slept through it), we arrived to find that Max had grown two more cms, not gained anything (no big deal, he saves up his weight gain), and had fabulous results from the CBC. Dr. Ebb showed up with the Cord Blood Registry forms which he was supposed to fax when we were in 2 months ago, and faxed them to CBR. CBR has a program called the Designated Transplant Program in which they will store umbillican cord blood for a family member diagnosed with a life-threatning disease that could be treated with a stem cell transplant for free. We only have to pay for the currier's delivery fee. In order to be eligible, Max's doctor had to send in a form. That done, we headed home. Max's results were so good that we do not need to return for three months. I will try not to go three months without posting anything, though. :)

Oh, one cute thing. When Dr. Ebb was off at the fax machine, Max gave Lauren a complete checkup, doing all the same things that Dr. Ebb did to him. It was very methodical (though he told her he had to check her heels until I pointed out that Dr. Ebb checked his shins. But, when he looked, he knew he was looking for bruises) and fun to watch.

Here are the numbers. I got two print outs and can only find one right now and that one has the ANC, so I have to go by memory on that one.

WBC: 8.1

HCT: 35.6

HGB: 13.1

PLT: 221

ANC - around 4100 if memory serves. It was a great number.

While none of these numbers where the highest we have seen, I am pretty sure it as the best combination of numbers. Everything was well into the normal range. Usually at least one or two are on the lower end of normal or below. I am beyond thrilled.


BevS97 said...

The bad news is that his teachers continue to express concern about his lack of focus and attention when things do not interest him. I have a bad feeling this may just be something that we deal with in school. He is obviously bright and creative, but if he isnt' interested in something (like coloring within the lines), he just doesn't do it.

Hold is Max? I had all these comments about Katie when she was in Nursery & Reception (so 4 & 5) and she is now 11 and very concientious. Thinking back, we even had colouring comments! I was very stressed about it, looking back it seems daft, who cares about colouring? It's not that big a deal in the whole scheme of things. I think it's asking a lot of 5 year old to do something he isn't interested in, to be honest. I would say it was the teachers job to make his tasks interesting.

I am so much more relaxed with Molly (who is now 5 and in Reception), I think it's first child stress, you feel like you have to get it all right or you are a bad mom.

Glad to hear Max's numbers are good, I don't really understand them, but I understand they mean he is doing well.

Hope the pregnancy continues smoothly and you aren't too shattered.


BevS97 said...

Hold is Max

should read, How old is Max.

Scot said...

Great post and awesome news! Thanks for sharing!

I don't think you need to worry about things like coloring outside of the lines. I was very much the same way- I just didn't see the point of it in the grand realm of things. One of my teachers sent some art work home to my mother as "very sloppy". It made me feel really bad, but looking back, I think the teacher definitely did not understand the meaning of creative art and was somewhat of a conformist. It did leave a dent in my psyche- thanks a lot, Mrs. H! Max is probably not as interested in these kinds of details as some other people are. I definitely am not.