Friday, March 28, 2008

CBC - 03/28/2008

Another month has passed already, if you can believe it. It snowed this morning, much to my great dismay, but we managed to drive in and spent a short time at the Museum of Science before Max's apppointment today. All three of us really enjoy it. I wish we had had more time.

Max's white count was down a bit, but Dr. Ebb is pretty sure it is just the result of a virus that he had a couple of weeks ago. He had some atypical lymphocytes, which Dr. Ebb pointed out to me, therebye freaking me out, but in hindsight, I am pretty sure he was showing them to me to show me that his body was just fighting something and that his bone marrow is working right. Poor Dr. Ebb. He spent a fairly large amount of time trying to convince me that everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about. He is right, though, I am sure. I would have given anything for results like these 6 months ago. It is funny how your "needs" change so quickly.

Max and Lauren had a lovely time at the hospital, and there was a volunteer named Lauren who played with our Lauren during Max's exam. So, she didn't have a chance to demand a full physical today. :)

Here are the numbers. We go back the first week in May. Then, if those numbers are good, we start going every two months.

WBC: 4.3
HCT: 35.2
HGB: 12.8
PLT: 166
ANC: 1510

Just because Dr. Ebb pointed them out, Atyps: 3

I don't think I had really focussed on just how good the HCT and HGB were. Those are really good numbers. :)

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