Monday, November 20, 2006

CBC - 11/21/2006 - Well Partial At Least

It was a crazy day, and there was a lot going on when the doctor's office called with the CBC results. I wrote them down, and now I can't find them. So, this is what I can remember. His platelet count was 24,000. He is going in for a transfusion on Wednesday, though his gums were bleeding a bit today, so we may reconsider that tomorrow morning. His hematocrit was in the 26 range I think, and his ANC was 230. The doctor's office seemed surprisingly pleased with that ANC number. Maybe I am overobsessing about the ANC.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We'll be thinking of you tomorrow & Thurs ... hope the transfusion goes well!

The Gentiles