Saturday, November 25, 2006

Please, Mom?

We were able to go to Maine for Thanksgiving. Because Max didn't need a transfusion until Wednesday, they were pretty confident he wouldn't need anything Thursday or Friday, so we were cleared to go, despite the really low ANC. We have also been giving the go ahead to take him to places outside, so the day after, we went to Pemaquid Light. It was a gorgeous, if a bit chilly day. The surf was high, because of an offshore storm, and the waves were impressive. We had a lovely visit. Unfortunately, Max really wanted to look through the 25cent telescope thing, and mean mom would not let him. It was really hard on all of us to say no about that. No matter how hard we try to act like life is normal, we have the reminders that it is not. Hopefully next year he can do it. At least the lighthouse was closed, so we didn't have to tell him no to that.

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