Friday, November 03, 2006

Run run run and enjoy the weather!

I have figured out that the best thing for Max and for me right now is to get him running around. He has so much energy and it has to be burned off. Today is the last day of the full dose of steriods. Hopefully, he will be a little bit less amped up next week. Today, we played "there are dinosaurs in the house.... run!" which involved a lot of shrieking and running around. It was actually a lot of fun. Apparently we were very loud, though, because there were police investigating something next door (long and not too pleasant story) and one came over to make sure we were okay. He took one look at us, though, and said "Oh, I have kids, sorry to bother you" without even saying why he was there first. Later on, Max and I played soccer in the backyard. These bursts of energy really seem to help him mellow out later, though the energy is always back with a vengence. He is happy, though, and that is a very good thing.

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