Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Elton John Lives!

I just had to share this. So many wonderful people have done things for us. I have been overwhelmed by it. We have had friends make enough meals for us so that I should be able to feed the family every post hospital visit this year, lots of offers to take care of our little, exhausting but fun daughter, Max has gotten toys and arts and craft supplies to help keep us busy. Friends drove down from Maine to Boston to donate platelets to ensure that there will be some for him when we go in tomorrow. People have come to the house to play with Max and help me keep my sanity. It has been amazing.

Today, we received a package from someone I have never met that contained a kid's electronic keyboard. Max was thrilled. He is, at this moment, playing "good night music" for Josh. I have a feeling he will make me carry it to the hospital tomorrow. He looks so happy playing it that I had to post a picture.

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